Ady Van den Stock
Affiliation: Ghent University, Belgium
Current Position: Postdoctoral research fellow
E-Mail: [email protected]
Curriculum Vitae:
Research Interests in Philosophy
Research fields: Comparative philosophy, epistemology, ontology, philosophy of religion, political philosophy.
Theoretical focus: German idealism
Periods: Modern era & contemporary China
Schools: Buddhism, Confucianism, Modern Confucianism, Modern Western Philosophy in China, New Confucianism, Sinicised Marxism
Philosophers: Mou Zongsan, Tang Junyi, Xiong Shili, Liang Shuming, Jin Yuelin, Kang Youwei
Current Research Projects
"Chinese philosophy and its religious minorities. Ethnicity, religion, and national identity in modern Chinese thought and the discipline of ethnic minority philosophies"
Ghent University, 2020-2023
Representative Publications (-2021)
The Horizon of Modernity: Subjectivity and Social Structure in New Confucian Philosophy
Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2016.
"The Minorities of Chinese Philosophy: Ideology and Identity in the Academic Discipline of 'Ethnic Minority Philosophy." Modern China, 2021
"'Immanent Transcendence': Toward a Genealogical Analysis of a Key Concept in the Philosophy of Mou Zongsan (1909-1995)." Asian Philosophy, 2021, 31(2): 195-209.
“From Religion to Revolution…and Nationalism: Hui Identity and Historical Materialism in the Work of Jamāl al Dīn Bai Shouyi and Beyond .” Asian Studies , 2019, 7(1): 173 199.
Chen Guying, The Annotated Critical Laozi, with Contemporary Explication and Traditional Commentary
Edited by Paul J. D’Ambrosio, translated by Paul J. D'Ambrosio, Xiao Ouyang, Ady Van den Stock, R. A. Carleo III, Joanna Guzowska, and Lidia Tammaro
Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2020.
Yang Guorong, “Translators’ Introduction” (with Paul J. D’Ambrosio), “The World of Emotions in the Book of Songs ” (pp. 221 237), “Metaphysical Principle and Principle of Value: The Way Dao and Natural Spontaneity Ziran) in the Philosophy of the Laozi ” (pp. 238 355), “Meritocratic Politics: its Meaning and Limitations” (pp. 256 271), “Metaphysical Thought in a Post Metaphysical Age: an Interview” (pp. 303 325) in Philosophical Horizons: Metaphysical Investigations in Chinese Philosophy , edited by Paul J. D'Ambrosio, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019.
Tang Wenming, “Understanding the Confucian Idea of Ethical Freedom through Chen Yinke’s Works for Mourning Wang Guowei,” in Human Beings or Human Becomings? A Conve rsation with Confucianism on the Concept of Person (pp.149 168), edited by Peter D. Hershock and Roger T. Ames, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2021.
Zhao Tingyang, “ ‘All-under-Heaven’ (tianxia 天下): between idealism and realism,” Journal of Global Ethics, 2021, 17(1): 26-41.
Current Translation Projects
Yang Guorong, Xinxue zhi si: Wang Yangming zhexue de chanshi 心学之思: 王阳明哲学的阐释
Beijing: Zhongguo renmin daxue chubanshe, 2009
Current Position: Postdoctoral research fellow
E-Mail: [email protected]
Curriculum Vitae:
Research Interests in Philosophy
Research fields: Comparative philosophy, epistemology, ontology, philosophy of religion, political philosophy.
Theoretical focus: German idealism
Periods: Modern era & contemporary China
Schools: Buddhism, Confucianism, Modern Confucianism, Modern Western Philosophy in China, New Confucianism, Sinicised Marxism
Philosophers: Mou Zongsan, Tang Junyi, Xiong Shili, Liang Shuming, Jin Yuelin, Kang Youwei
Current Research Projects
"Chinese philosophy and its religious minorities. Ethnicity, religion, and national identity in modern Chinese thought and the discipline of ethnic minority philosophies"
Ghent University, 2020-2023
Representative Publications (-2021)
The Horizon of Modernity: Subjectivity and Social Structure in New Confucian Philosophy
Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2016.
"The Minorities of Chinese Philosophy: Ideology and Identity in the Academic Discipline of 'Ethnic Minority Philosophy." Modern China, 2021
"'Immanent Transcendence': Toward a Genealogical Analysis of a Key Concept in the Philosophy of Mou Zongsan (1909-1995)." Asian Philosophy, 2021, 31(2): 195-209.
“From Religion to Revolution…and Nationalism: Hui Identity and Historical Materialism in the Work of Jamāl al Dīn Bai Shouyi and Beyond .” Asian Studies , 2019, 7(1): 173 199.
Chen Guying, The Annotated Critical Laozi, with Contemporary Explication and Traditional Commentary
Edited by Paul J. D’Ambrosio, translated by Paul J. D'Ambrosio, Xiao Ouyang, Ady Van den Stock, R. A. Carleo III, Joanna Guzowska, and Lidia Tammaro
Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2020.
Yang Guorong, “Translators’ Introduction” (with Paul J. D’Ambrosio), “The World of Emotions in the Book of Songs ” (pp. 221 237), “Metaphysical Principle and Principle of Value: The Way Dao and Natural Spontaneity Ziran) in the Philosophy of the Laozi ” (pp. 238 355), “Meritocratic Politics: its Meaning and Limitations” (pp. 256 271), “Metaphysical Thought in a Post Metaphysical Age: an Interview” (pp. 303 325) in Philosophical Horizons: Metaphysical Investigations in Chinese Philosophy , edited by Paul J. D'Ambrosio, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019.
Tang Wenming, “Understanding the Confucian Idea of Ethical Freedom through Chen Yinke’s Works for Mourning Wang Guowei,” in Human Beings or Human Becomings? A Conve rsation with Confucianism on the Concept of Person (pp.149 168), edited by Peter D. Hershock and Roger T. Ames, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2021.
Zhao Tingyang, “ ‘All-under-Heaven’ (tianxia 天下): between idealism and realism,” Journal of Global Ethics, 2021, 17(1): 26-41.
Current Translation Projects
Yang Guorong, Xinxue zhi si: Wang Yangming zhexue de chanshi 心学之思: 王阳明哲学的阐释
Beijing: Zhongguo renmin daxue chubanshe, 2009