EACP 2023 - MACERATA (16-18 June)
Conference Theme: “Interpretation and Reinvention of Chinese Philosophy.”
conference organizer: Selusi Ambrogio, [email protected] Every philosopher always has a forerunner to interpret. Any new philosophical theory is grounded in an existing theory, which it reinvents or contrasts. Every concept has its own history of contrasting and converging interpretations and reinvention. While this is obvious in the case of Western Philosophy, it is not always the case for China, whose cultural history is often improperly represented as static, converging, and repetitive. We all have in mind Raffaello Sanzio’s fresco The School of Athens that plastically represents the opposing visions of nature in ancient Greece. The painting is dynamic and full of individual traits of the more than twenty philosophers represented. Those figures, freshly painted by Raffaello, are opposing, rejecting, or reinventing their masters’ teachings and common sense. In this conference, we invite the scholars to participate in the process of “painting” the fresco of the thinkers of Chinese philosophy. Confucius reinvented Zhou culture in a new philosophical and moral shape. Mozi openly dismissed ruist ritualistic doctrines. Mencius and Xunzi diverged in the interpretation of Confucius’s teaching. Hanfeizi made use of Laozi’s political view for creating a renovated legalist perspective. The School of Mystery, Chinese Buddhists Schools, Song and Ming Neo-Confucianism, Contemporary New Confucianism, etc., are all instances of the interpretative and reinventing activity inherent in Chinese philosophy. Chinese culture is certainly the expression of a strong and unique converging attitude, but we should never neglect the dynamism of synthesis and reinvention. In this conference, speakers are invited to discuss their research and shed new light on the dynamism of the history of Chinese Philosophy from any perspective: metaphysical, ethical, historical, theoretical, linguistic, rhetorical, aesthetic, etc. PLEASE GET PREPARED FOR THE CONFERENCE Please prepare your presentation as a 15/20 minute speech. Aspects as the Q&A after each presentation or at the end are up to the chairing person. Each room of the venue is provided with a PC (Office system, not Mac system) and a projector. If you want to project your slide presentation, please prepare your slides both as a PowerPoint (PPT) file and as a PDF file. Please put these two files into a personal pen drive with comprehensible file names. A few minutes before your session, someone from the staff in the room will help you to upload your file on the desktop of the PC. CONFERENCE MATERIALS Click on the following links to download the Program, Book of abstracts and Practical information. Please notice that the Program will be provided in paper, while for environmental concern the Book of abstract is provided online as a Pdf file. If you want to share as a post on your social media channels the events, please use the 4 following customized graphics displayed below clicking on each of them: 1_post_eacp_16_06.png 2_post_eacp_16_06.png 3_post_eacp_16_06.png 4_post_eacp_16_06.png |
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