The 3rd Biennial Conference of the European of Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP) will take place at Ghent University (Belgium) from September 5-7 2019. The conference theme of this edition will be Paradigms of Change and Changing Paradigms in Chinese Philosophy. We are kindly inviting scholars of Chinese philosophy to submit proposals for individual papers or panels to Bart Dessein ([email protected]) and Ady Van den Stock ([email protected]). Abstracts should be limited to 250 words. Panel proposals should include the title and a brief description of the panel, as well as the names, affiliations, and contact details of the participants. Please also provide the titles of each participant’s presentation. The deadline for submission is February 28, 2019. Notice of acceptance of proposals will be sent to your e-mail address by the end of April 2019, with instructions on how to register and submit the conference registration fee (EACP members: 60 EUR for scholars and 20 EUR for students, non-members: 80 EUR for scholars and 30 EUR for students). To encourage participation and inclusion of young researchers, there will be a Young Scholars Award. MA holders and PhD candidates who submit a paper proposal should indicate whether they wish to compete for the award. Winners of the award will be receiving a full travel grant as well as prize money. The official languages of the conference are English and Chinese. PARADIGMS OF CHANGE AND CHANGING PARADIGMS IN CHINESE PHILOSOPHYThroughout the long history of Chinese philosophy, the topic of change has been a recurrent and, in a sense, constant theme. Chinese conceptualizations of change extend from the classical Yijing to the processual outlook on reality, human existence, and socio-historical development articulated by many modern Chinese thinkers. This rich and varied historical trajectory has endowed the encounter between Chinese and Western thought in contemporary comparative philosophy with the potential to usher in philosophical paradigm changes outside of the field of Sinology. We are inviting scholars to approach the conference topic from a broad perspective, as extending from the individual and social dimensions of existence to bodily and spiritual practices of self-cultivation and transformation. The organizing committee also welcomes contributions which do not directly or exclusively address the conference topic. Keynote Speakers Leigh Jenco (London School of Economics) Haiming Wen 温海明 (Renmin University) Organizing Committee Prof. Bart Dessein, Department of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Belgium ([email protected]). Dr. Ady Van den Stock, Department of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Belgium ([email protected]) Venue De Abt Lange Kruisstraat 4 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Taiwanese Philosophy and the Preservation of Confucian Tradition
International Conference organized by University of Ljubljana, EARL Ljubljana, and TRCCS (Taiwan Research Center for Chinese Studies) in Taipei 10-12 October 2019 Description: Although the philosophical currents in modern and contemporary Taiwan belong to the most influential and important streams of thought in contemporary East Asian theory, they are still unrecognized as specifically Taiwanese. The main reasons for the immense importance of Taiwanese philosophy for East Asia and the contemporary world are twofold. First, they can be found in its contributions to the preservation of traditional Chinese, especially Confucian thought. Secondly, its development of specific innovative philosophical approaches and systems profoundly influenced the theoretical discourses in the entire East Asian region. The philosophical currents in modern Taiwan were mainly developed during the second half of 20th century, in which the philosophical theory in mainland China was largely limited to the Sinization of Marxist thought. Hence, for many decades, Taiwanese philosophy represented the only driving force of developing, modernizing and upgrading traditional Chinese thought and its syntheses with Western thought. Hence, they soon also gained a wide spread popularity in most of the other East Asian societies that were traditionally influenced by classical Confucian thought, as for example Japan and South Korea. The conference, organized by Ljubljana University, the EARL in Ljubljana and the TRCCS at the National Central Library in Taipei under the academic leadership by Professor Jana S. Rošker, Ph.D., will bring together leading European and East Asian scholars investigating the thought of Taiwanese philosophers. It aims to introduce their work to the wider international academic public, and to discuss and exchange knowledge regarding their philosophical approaches, ideas and methods. It will furthermore also illuminate the political, social and ideological backgrounds of the specific Taiwanese philosophy. Given the fact that numerous Taiwanese philosophers belong to the pinnacle of contemporary theoretic achievements in the Chinese language area, and because there is still an almost complete lack of awareness of this fact in the European academic circles, the conference aims to clarify and to expose the following issues:
Deadlines for participating scholars: Abstract submission: 28 February 2019 Completed papers: 30 June 2019 Contact: The abstracts and the papers should be sent to the chief organizer, Professor Jana S. Rošker ([email protected]). |
February 2025
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