organized by the Department of Asian and African Studies, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana University Date: December 11th – 13th 2015 Venue: Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, Ljubljana CALL FOR PAPERS The aim of the STCS (Specific Topics in Chinese Studies) conferences, organized by the Department of Asian studies at Ljubljana University, is to encourage and advance the study of specific topics related to China and Asia through knowledge and information flow across disciplinary lines, and to strive to create and maintain a multidisciplinary platform for a fruitful exchange of ideas on different types, images, and categories of Chinese and Asian cultures. The 2015 conference is dedicated to comparisons and dialogues between three major Asian religions and/or philosophies, namely Islam, Confucianism and Buddhism. Our main motives for organizing this event are:
Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to [email protected] by 25 August 25 2015. They should include the author's name, academic qualification, institutional affiliation, position, contact information – address, telephone number, e-mail. Scholars who will submit their proposals by this deadline will be notified of their acceptance before 1 October 2015. The official language of the conference is English. The organizers of the conference will publish a selection of the conference papers in a special issue of our academic journal Asian Studies. The conference fee which includes materials for the conference, a welcome reception, the banquet dinner and coffee break refreshments is 60 Euro (30 Euro for PhD Students). This fee is to be paid on the day of registration. If you have any further questions please write to [email protected] Organizational committee: Prof. Dr. Jana S. Rošker Dr. Maja Veselič Assit. Prof. Dr. Sebastjan Vörös Téa Sernelj
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